Monday, March 4, 2013

Governing Body

The Perfect Community's government is structured in the style of an oligarchy.  The government consists of a group of ten elected officials who will decide all rules and regulations of the community.  Each decison or obstacle that arrives will always be taken care of by the officials.  In their office, they will decide by a group how to take on the challenge and what they will do about the issue.  If a trial occurs, the defendant must defend his or herself and then the elected officials will have complete say in whether or not a punishment will take place and what the punishment is.  If a crime does occur and the officals do say a punishment should take place, then punishments will reflect the crime.  Such that if a crime involved minimum stealing of a person's goods and no person was injured, then the punishment would be smaller than if a murder was involved. The goverment will be selected with new officials every two years.

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